Efficiency Tests
The effectiveness of BODYGUARD® is proven by the independent French laboratory TEC.
It has been professionally tested for 8 hours protection against the following Mosquito species, according to the approved method by the World Health Organisation:
- Aedes albopictus (Tiger Mosquito)
- Culex pipiens
- Anopheles gambiae.
These tests demonstrated the effectiveness of BODYGUARD® in climatic conditions of up to 34°c and 95% humidity, covering temperate and tropical climates.
Our Results
In the case of BODYGUARD®, we observed an effectiveness for both temperate AND tropical conditions for over 7 hours for ALL 3 types of mosquitos.
Complete protection time in hours:
Aedes albopictus:
8.2 hours temperature conditions
8.1 hours tropical conditions
Culex pipiens:
7.9 hours temperate conditions
7.7 hours tropical conditions
Anopheles gambiae:
7.8 hours temperate conditions
7.4 hours tropical conditions.
What are Efficiency Tests?
The products are tested according to the cage comparison protocol:
- A cage is filled with thousands of female mosquitoes (only females bite) that have not bitten for 12 hours
- Each volunteer will have their 2 arms immersed in the cage one after the other. One arm is covered with a quantity of product equivalent to 3 sprays, the other arm is left free of any product
- The first test is carried out 1 minute after application of the product
- If the virgin arm has received 10 bites in less than 30 seconds, the test continues (the mosquitoes are hungry)
- We then place the treated arm for 5 minutes and record the number of bites (in our case: 0).....
The test is repeated every 30 minutes without re-application of product.
The objective is to measure the duration before:
- A decrease in efficiency (1st injection)
- End of effectiveness (2 consecutive injections).